Saturday, 8 February 2014

Steve Boniface Memorial Congress

All results from the congress below. Please note that there will be another Bristol congress on August bank holiday weekend, not including the bank holiday Monday. Details on the ECF website calendar.


1 Beaumont, Chris R 106458H 209A w10+ b5+ w2+ b4= w6+ 5 1112 222

2 Bicknell, Carl 153727B 202A bye+ w9+ b1- w11+ b4= 5 785 196
3 Kirby, Peter J 149418B 167A bye= w7= b23+ w15+ b9= 5 805 201
4 Paulden, Tim 153053H 184A bye= w19+ b17+ w1= w2= 5 842 211

5 Andolo, Humphrey 233310H 176B b27+ w1- b25+ w7= b12= 3 5 909 182
6 Bullen, Alex 272163G 177A w26+ b14= b16+ w12= b1- 3 5 988 198
7 Curtis, John E 191368C 186B bye= b3= w22+ b5= w10= 3 5 721 180
8 Martin, Lewis 227295H 194A bye= w17- b21+ w9= b19+ 3 5 714 179
9 Morris, Gareth L 143056H 175A w25+ b2- w14+ b8= w3= 3 5 941 188
10 Slade, Theo 276545H 173X b1- w27+ b19= w24+ b7= 3 5 935 187
11 Timmins, Chris P 120431C 167C b16- bye+ w18+ b2- w20+ 3 5 738 185
12 Wells, Daniel J 231112E 183A w20= b21+ w15= b6= w5= 3 5 886 177

13 Bennett, Dominic L 163142B 169A bye- b25- w27+ b22+ w21= 5 637 159
14 Dilleigh, Stephen P 109679F 193X b19= w6= b9- w25+ b15= 5 830 166
15 Fathallah, Joe 265607D 162E w18+ w16= b12= b3- w14= 5 916 183
16 Meek, Stephen J 174392C 194D w11+ b15= w6- b20= w18= 5 848 170
17 Turner, Joseph D 139620B 168D bye= b8+ w4- b18- b24+ 5 739 185
18 Waterfield, John W 121175E 179X b15- w26+ b11- w17+ b16= 5 850 170

19 Gamble, Raymond J 111035E 163X w14= b4- w10= b23+ w8- 2 5 876 175
20 Hardy, Roger 112095F 163A b12= w23= b24= w16= b11- 2 5 858 172
21 Keen, Cosima C 262213A 158A bye= w12- w8- b27+ b13= 2 5 641 160
22 Price, Andrew 117410B 155X bye= w24= b7- w13- b27+ 2 5 632 158
23 Whatley, Stephen AJ (jnr) 271920E 182X bye= b20= w3- w19- b25+ 2 5 585 146

24 Collier, David O 108627D 182A bye= b22= w20= b10- w17- 5 559 140

25 Willett, Greg Murray 291776C 126A b9- w13+ w5- b14- w23- 1 5 680 136

26 George, Richard M 111155D 159B b6- b18- 0 2 256 128
27 Roberts, Michael 285996J 145A w5- b10- b13- w21- w22- 0 5 581 116


1 Harvey, GA 105042E 148B b6+ w12+ b7+ w4+ w2= 5 867 173

2 Derrick, Neil D 161146L 134B w11+ bye= b10+ w7+ b1= 4 5 703 176
3 Rossiter, Alex 240422K 142A b4- w18+ b12+ w5+ w8+ 4 5 789 158

4 Gillett, Paul A 285505H 132A w3+ b8= w5+ b1- b10+ 5 768 154

5 Carver, Anthony W 172404G 132A b20+ w9+ b4- b3- w14+ 3 5 761 152
6 Foley, Phil T 259148A 136X w1- b11= w14= b9+ w17+ 3 5 758 152
7 Jones, Tim 296836J 139D w17+ b13+ w1- b2- w12+ 3 5 712 142
8 Shaw, Tony 248737J 126B bye= w4= b19+ w15+ b3- 3 5 598 150

9 Barlow, Russell J 106235K 149B w19+ b5- bye= w6- b13+ 5 534 134
10 French, Max 280968A 120A bye= b14+ w2- b11+ w4- 5 553 138
11 Papier, Alan 220688C 146X b2- w6= b18+ w10- bye+ 5 463 116

12 Chinnick, Tim 248489E 126C w15+ b1- w3- bye+ b7- 2 5 467 117
13 Finch, J Russell 266558L 130B b16+ w7- bye= b17= w9- 2 5 507 127
14 Keen, Charles E 248351J 141B bye= w10- b6= w18+ b5- 2 5 461 115
15 Ofuafor, Onos 288816G 138B b12- w20+ bye= b8- w16= 2 5 494 124
16 Tipper, David I 161276B 145B w13- b17= bye= w19= b15= 2 5 478 120
17 Whitehead, Steve 266445J 124A b7- w16= b20+ w13= b6- 2 5 647 129

18 Chatterjee, Prakash 231161G 123C bye= b3- w11- b14- w19+ 5 465 116
19 Ter, Hark, Alex 292839F 136A b9- bye+ w8- b16= b18- 5 393 98

20 Macarthur, Duncan M 174167G 147A w5- b15- w17- 0 3 244 81


1 Snook-Lumb, Chris 295199L 122X w15+ b8+ w7+ b4+ b5+ 5 5 801 160

2 Marston, Alastair 292830K 123D b3+ w4- b17+ w16+ w10+ 4 5 666 133

3 Porter, Richard J 256164F 104A w2- b14+ w20+ b7+ w4= 5 622 124
4 Telang, Amol 294268K 112E w14+ b2+ w12+ w1- b3= 5 633 127
5 Williams, Stephen 170919H 122A bye= w9+ b11+ b10+ w1- 5 521 130

6 Green, John 273516H 120A bye= b20+ w10- b19+ w8= 3 5 451 113
7 Hakeem, Nikhil 295813C 115D w18+ w16+ b1- w3- b13+ 3 5 576 115
8 Sage, Anthony J 118408J 120A b10= w1- b22+ w17+ b6= 3 5 545 109

9 Helbig, Doreen J 112468H 95B bye= b5- w19- b15+ w20+ 5 359 90
10 Maber, Martyn J 191456L 93* w8= bye+ b6+ w5- b2- 5 435 109
11 McGeeney, David 290162G 111B bye= b19+ w5- bye- b16+ 5 367 122
12 Woodruff, David G 127054A 112A bye= w22+ b4- b13- w19+ 5 357 89

13 Cucu, Adrian 101e b16- w17- b14+ w12+ w7- 2 5 423 85
14 Dettmann, James 292977G 21* b4- w3- w13- b18+ bye+ 2 5 133 33
15 Dettmann, Paul 292958C 74* b1- w18+ b16- w9- b17+ 2 5 373 75
16 Langmaid, Kevin D 220755C 124A w13+ b7- w15+ b2- w11- 2 5 484 97

17 Aprelikov, Oleg 50d bye= b13+ w2- b8- w15- 5 244 61
18 Dantu, Sridatta 50d b7- b15- bye= w14- b22+ 5 135 34
19 Goldie, Eva 286029G 53* bye= w11- b9+ w6- b12- 5 272 68
20 Markey, Kevin  D 114917K 108C bye= w6- b3- w22+ b9- 5 287 72

22 Roman, Javier Carlos 50d bye= b12- w8- b20- w18- ½ 5 120 30

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